Tribute to the late Gerard Ah-Shung



Born on January 15, 1947, Gerard Ah-Shung left us at 11:45am on June 6, 2016 at the Seychelles Hospital. He was 69 years old. 

He leaves behind his beloved wife, Mona, and two sons -- Paul and Emmanuel Ah-Shung.

Mr Ah-Shung, who grew up in Mont Fleuri, was appointed the electoral commissioner in 1993 and served in this position until he was replaced by Hendrick Gappy in January 1999, after completing his five-year term. 

Mr Ah-Shung was the first statutory appointment in the post since the new elections under the new constitution of the Third Republic of Seychelles. He occupied several posts in the government over the years.

He was the head of the Seychelles Central Bank’s Banking Supervision Department from 1988 to 1993 and from 1983 he served as the secretary to the Board of the Central Bank until he was later offered other positions both in the government and private sector.

John Hipwaye, a close friend and a working colleague of Mr Ah-Shung, worked together for six years in external audits.

“He was a very capable man. I and many newcomers learned a lot from him when we started auditing as he was always there to lend a helping hand. He was devoted and serious when it came to his profession so although he had a long- term illness it only affected his work during the last few months he was alive,” Mr Hipwaye said.

He said anyone who knew Mr Ah-Shung can say that he was easy going, very friendly, good at heart and very generous.   

“He did plenty of voluntary work that I can’t even recall but I do know at one time he was the treasurer for Credit Union, treasurer of the Seychelles Karting Association and the manager of Rangers football club,” he said.

His wife Mona said: “He was a well respected man in the government as he served them very well.”

His son Paul said he was a good father to him and his younger brother and a very devoted husband to his mother.

The funeral service will be held on Monday June 13 at 2.30pm at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.



Source: NATION 6-9-16